GP Track 1

GP Track 1

Price : $150

GP Track 1 is the first of 2 in the series. All students must take GP Track 1 to continue on to GP Track 2. The overall themes that will be covered in ths course are what is the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how can it be communicated effectively.

Some of the topics that will be are addressed, but not limited to the following:

  • Christ-Centered Theology (justification, propitiation, substitution, imputation)
  • Reaping the 21st Century Harvest
  • True vs. False Conversions
  • Conviction in Conversion
  • Effectively Preaching the Gospel in Any Setting
  • The Call and the Life of the Preacher
  • Constructing a Redemptive Message (expository, topical, textual, use of aliteration, illustrations, etc.)